Sophie Pham
Liberator/Client Experience Manager

Where are you from?

Herne, Germany.


I was born in Germany and moved to Australia when I was 5.

I have worked in the hospitality industry for the past 3 years while completing a Bachelor of Music from WAAPA.

I look forward to meeting new people from all different spheres of the working world and providing A+ service.

Q & A

Your favourite quote/motto/saying?

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”

Little known fact about you?

I was a champion badminton player in high school.

Favourite Band?


Favourite Food?


Favourite Drink?

Coconut Water.

Your passion?

Travelling to new places.

What you love about Liberty/your job?

That everyone is so down to earth and there’s lots of support. The team are so lovely and genuine that the day goes by very quickly.

If you were an animal what would you be and why?

A dog, so I can be cuddled all day.

What’s your hidden talent?

I’m a classical pianist!

What makes you laugh?

My friends, when we chat about what we were like in high school.

What did you last do for a customer that went the extra mile?

Researched local cafes for their family near King’s Park so they could enjoy great WA coffee.

Favourite place you have visited anywhere in the world?

Prague, Czech Republic or Cork, Ireland.

Have you met anyone famous?

Guy Sebastian and Tom Welling.