Kianna Jones
Liberator/Client Experience Team

Where are you from?

Tamworth, United Kingdom


I graduated with a BA Hons in Acting in 2015 and continued into a life of work and travel.

I had a variety of jobs and experiences from being a Barista for several years to working on a Ski Mountain in Canada, Teaching English in China and 4 + years of Administration for a couple of different companies.

Q & A

Your favourite quote/motto/saying?

Time waits for no one.

Little known fact about you?

Favourite Band?

The Beatles.

Favourite Food?


Favourite Drink?


Your passion?

Acting and travel.

What you love about Liberty/your job?

The chance to meet new people and build connections.

If you were an animal what would you be and why?

Chameleon – I find that I have always been good at adapting to new surroundings and environments. And they’re colourful, which I like.

What’s your hidden talent?

I sing and write my own songs.

What makes you laugh?

Lots of things! I love comedy movies, especially Adam Sandler’s.

What did you last do for a customer that went the extra mile?

I find it hard to pick out 1 particular time, as I believe that I will always try my best to do that little extra, whether that be some friendly conversation, offering to help when not expected to.

Favourite place you have visited anywhere in the world?

Zurich and Disney World Florida.

Have you met anyone famous?

I had a couple of British Lectures at University that have been in British movies and tv shows.