Jopheil Caro
Liberator/Client Experience Team

Where are you from?

Manila, Philippines.


I have completed Certificate III in Hospitality, Certificate III in Information Technology and Digital Media and have six years of experience in Hospitality and three years as an Event Supervisor.

Q & A

Your favourite quote/motto/saying?

“Time is an illusion helps things make sense, so we are always living in the present tense.”

Little known fact about you?

I was an extra in MAFS a couple of times.

Favourite Band?

The Paper Kites.

Favourite Food?


Favourite Drink?

Cognac and Rye Whisky – Not together!

Your passion?

Cooking, writing and I am very passionate about learning. I try to learn something new every day.

What you love about Liberty/your job?

The people and the culture

If you were an animal what would you be and why?

A miniature dachshund – Who doesn’t love them ?

What’s your hidden talent?

I can do card tricks.

What makes you laugh?

Vine Humour.

What did you last do for a customer that went the extra mile?

I spent a lot of time in Hospitality running events, namely weddings. Every single event I strive to go above and beyond for each client. It does not matter if it’s my 200th wedding, it’s their first and I want it to be an unforgettable experience for them.

Favourite place you have visited anywhere in the world?

Sydney, it’s such a beautiful city.

Have you met anyone famous?

I’ve met Jessica Mauboy and British comedian Jimmy Carr to name a couple.