Innovate Australia: Water Innovation Forum
16th June, 2021
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Online Only
Learn about the role of water in our economy; ways to save it, recycle it and convert it to energy.
About this online event
According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, water demand is projected to grow by 55 per cent by 2050, including a 400 per cent rise in manufacturing water demand. By 2050, 1 in 5 developing countries will face water shortages.
The World Bank warns that as the global population hurtles towards 9.7 billion people by 2050, it has never been more important to produce more with less. As the water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector continue to face increasing pressures, especially due to the impacts of climate change, governments in the developing world will need to increase the sector’s resilience and sustainability. Innovation and technology have a vital role to play in scarcity and safety, water efficiency, utility operations, monitoring and treatment and data and analytics. Global entrepreneurs are witnessing a greater willingness by utilities and business to test and adopt promising technologies: the remote sensing of water, which can help with water accounting, non-revenue water remediation and much more; the internet of things, which enables smart irrigation, water quality control, and which, when coupled with new computing capacity, allows us to develop complex models for water management. Working with companies that offer the latest technological innovations in the sector can help advance such efforts.
The National Geographic points out that as the Australian population is predicted to grow by an additional 20 million people in the next 30 years, and the water consumption in larger cities expected to rise by 73% to more than 2,650 gigalitres, Australia is looking beyond its traditional rain-fed dams and reservoirs, turning to technology with all the mainland states investing in large desalination plants, to cushion city-dwellers against growth and drought.
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Lorie Jones FIEAust CPEng EngExec NER APEC Engineer, College of Leadership and Management, Engineers Australia
Fabiana Tessele, Expert in Circular Economy, Water and Resource Recovery
Associate Professor Ramesh Narayanaswamy, Curtin Water Quality Research Centre (CWQRC)
Dr Jianbin Wang, Chief Innovation Officer, CRC for Water Sensitive Cities, Monash University
Matthew Vitamante, President at Water Innovation Accelerator San Francisco
The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and a general discussion moderated by Lorie Jones
Innovate Australia encourages, assists and promotes Australian innovation. The not-for-profit and non-partisan organisation works with industry and academia to uncover innovation, encourages new innovations, develops programs and forms innovation networks. Innovate Australia aims to be an independent conduit for viable ideas.
Innovate Australia operates independently of government, industry and universities, however, works with a range of stakeholders on unique and forward-thinking projects across Australia. Services provided include, but are not limited to consulting, think-tanks, connecting firms undertaking innovative projects and marketing of organisations embarking on their innovation journeys.
To suggest an event or to propose the next presenter for one of our networking meetings, or just for more information please contact Peter Kasprzak or Dr Adam Osseiran.